One of my first trips was to the exotic and remote land of Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. Mt. Horeb, as some of you may know, is the troll capital of the world. Oh yes it is! My lovely friend Lacy and I took a little day trip to see these mysterious trolls, and even stopped for some beers on the way. Here's the new location of the New Glarus Brewery, home of the legendary Spotted Cow. Who all loves beer??

Trolls love to cuddle...

...and they love high fives.

And, of course, there was North Carolina (come on and raise up). My dear, wonderful Gina, who I've known since third grade, and her hubby Patrick spent the weekend showing me an absolutely beautiful time. There are few people in my life with whom I feel as comfortable as I do with these two. Whether we were lounging around the house with the dog, walking to the farmers market, or classing it up at wineries, it was an amazing, relaxing, hilarious time. Oh, and also, we ate like kings...damn hell ass KINGS! you understand the hilarity:

Coincidentally, I recently came across a blog where the most recent entry highlights the food of North Carolina! Check it out! Tell your friends!
The second wedding of the year was Mark and Alexa's on Long Island. Mark and Alexa are Beloit people, which means....AWESOMENESS!!! Seriously, I met the best people ever in Beloit. It was so full of kindness and creativity and damn weirdos. And a bunch of them were at the wedding. To begin, here are the geniuses who got married:

And here are the geniuses who were the groomsmen. And one genius who thought to put Jaigermeister in a flask.

That's just Andy and I. Very sexy times.

Sarah and Jenny, two of my favorite bandos ever in life.

And the whole Beloit gang. Look for us in the next Beloit Magazine! YOW!

It was such a beautiful wedding. I cried pretty hard during the ceremony, but discovered a new makeup tip: I only did my upper eyeliner before the ceremony. Afterwards, and before the party, I did my bottom eyeliner and mascara. Genius!!!
Okay, so then there was Montana. Oh Montana! I can honestly say that I fell in love. Seriously. I've always talked about how much I love the Midwest and the flat, open landscapes of Wisconsin and Illinois. And, don't get me wrong, that love is still there. But you know what? Those mountains...I'd forgotten about those mountains. I flashed back to my times in Colorado, driving as far up a mountain as we could go just to look back down to where we were. And the softer, rolling mountains in Ireland where I spent much of my childhood, climbing for days and pretending I was in The Sound of Music. It all came back in Montana.
I saw some of the most beautiful things ever in my life, and got to be with some of the best people I know. And I'm lucky enough to be related to all 8 zillion of them! Or sort of related...I don't know, everybody is either a cousin or an auntie 'round these parts. Totally out of order, here's a glimpse into the exceptional things that have made me feel eternally grateful for my life and what I get to do:
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. We hiked for forever, it seemed, all the while not knowing what we would soon be experiencing. When this view appeared in front of us, I had to catch my breath. Unbelievable.

Returning to Wisconnie was no easy feat after that phenomenal trip, but the Dodge County Fair made it better. And my honorary little brother, Alex. Oh, and...STYX. Yes, I've seen Styx four times now, and it gets better and better every time. And the carnival atmosphere definitely helps...

And what would a summer in Wisconnie be without some sort of outdoor activity? Strawberry picking! My friend Jess invited me to go with her and a couple of other people to toil in the fields all day, i.e. pick strawberries and visit a donkey. Effing stellar, Jess. Nice job.

And last, but absolutely in no way least, one of my favorite pieces of Wisconsin came back to me, after having started her own journey in Austin a couple of years ago. My friend Tara is one of the most beautiful, strong, supportive, and (please pardon the Tyra reference) fiercest women I know. Spending a bit of time with her was the cherry on top of my sundae. No, the cheese on my sandwich. Okay...the appetizers of the entire meal. Basically, she's the greatest. Here we are being totally great.

And so...that's my summer. I actually just let out a giant breath. Let me know if you want to see anymore pictures or hear anymore stories. I'm hoping that the writer's block stays away so I can tell you all more about all of this, and more of whatever happens in the near future. Hopefully more things like this. For now though, I'm so glad to share these tiny bits of loveliness with you all. Thank you for reading!
Oh my god Reem, you're awesome, we're awesome. I'm so glad I got to be part of your awesome summer! Seeing you was the highlight of mine! Love you! That picture needs a frame!
love this post and i love you.
You just had the most amazing summer! I am so glad that I got to be part of it a few times! 2009 was pretty rocking if I do say so myself! Love ya and like always I miss you!!
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