I was sick, so, because I'm so effing considerate of your feelings and health, I cooked with a bandana over my face. I looked like a burglar I think.

This resulted in some delicious Monkey Bread

On the day of the Lanai party, Genia brought me flowers! What a great boyfriend I have! Wait....yeah...I don't know.

Gwen called me the other day to let me know that she was, at that moment, in possession of a JACK LALANNE JUICER!!!! One of her clients had one, and wasn't sure what it was or why she had it, but she didn't want it anymore. Because Gwen cannot accept gifts at work, she needed to donate it! Now, I am a total sucker for infomercials; I've never actually bought any of the stuff I've wanted to, but I will say that I'm the proud owner of a Magic Bullet. And now, my friends, I am the proud owner of a JACK LALANNE JUICER as well!

So, the JACK LALANNE JUICER made it's appearance at the party and was sitting in a box in the kitchen for a few hours. Matt (who is absolutely the best party guest EVER) inquired about it, asking if I planned on setting it up. I think it went like this:
Matt: So are you going to set that up sometime during the Lanai party?
Me: Probably not, Matt. I'm feeling pretty lazy today.
Matt: Is that because you need help setting it up?
Me: No, I probably just won't set it up
Matt: Well, if you needed help setting it up, I'd help you set it up
Me: Are you looking for a project? Did you want to set up the JACK LALANNE JUICER?
Matt: Yes, please, I would like that.
And set it up he did. Here he is with his awesome assistant, Gaian, setting up the juicer on the Lanai. Also Gaian wore my sunglasses. Awesome.

Getting the congratulations he deserves.

Also, Gwen and Linda had brought two apples and two carrots so we could give the old juicer a spin. You know, it really worked well! And carrot apple juice taste pretty good...exactly like carrots and apples! The best part was the chanting that happened as Matt and Gaian fed the fruits and vegetables into the juicer:
I swear, I'm only friends with absolute geniuses. And hot people. All of my friends are hot geniuses.
Some smartass labeled all the rooms in my house. I don't understand this, but I feel like it was maybe Greg or Lisa or Eric?

Matt, the Best Party Guest Ever, also made robot costumes. What a busy guy. Here is Wall-E and Eva. Or was it Eva and Eva? I forget. But who knew boxes and cases of beer worked so well as robot heads and bodies?

There was some serious rocking on the piano. I'm pretty sure this was the part when they were doing the piano solo of "Estranged" by GNR...

And then, of course, there was the aftermath. Imagine the smell of beer, tomato juice, and hummus in the air. Slightly barf-inducing at 10 am. Which, yes, was first thing in the morning for me. Don't judge.

So yeah. It was good. The lanai is lovely. My friends are lovely. I was very much full of love, for the most part, and slightly delirious from being sick and not having really eaten in a couple of days. I'm thinking this may just be the way to host from now on though. When you're all sick and pathetic, everybody else does all the work for you. It's probably the way to go...
boop boop beep beep = those kids are adorable
i want to dress up like a robot and eat monkey bread on a lanai!
or, you know, invent star trek technology so i can beam myself to madison whenever that stuff is goin' on. :)
The monkey bread was awesome and it was great to see you!
i love this post - just saw it now. gaian and miles are such cuties. i love seeing their pudgy little arms sticking out of their beer cartons and paper bags. too bad i was two blocks away and too cool for you that day.
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