Anyhow, I walked in, and it was basically Halloween Headquarters. Well, that's what they called it there. There were costumes everywhere...hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. For men, women, children, was ridiculous. I let my eyes skim over these casually, and a few really caught my attention. Costumes have gotten weird, man. Look at some of these...
Here are some catchy, creative costumes, complete with amazing alliteration - how bout it!

This one confused me. It was simply titled "Blind Referee Costume"

Here are some sexy Halloween wigs!

Please notice the difference between "witch" and "sexy witch." Huge difference...

This was just gross to me:

Hey! Racism is hilarious!!!

And here are some options for the kids...
Do you want to be a zombie, a skeleton zombie, or...a COMPLETE zombie?!?!

Okay, I actually thought this was very cute and it reminded me of Doug Heffernan.

"Oh yeah. Hey. Yeah...I'm just a banana. No, it's just the costume my mom picked out. Yeah...a banana. Hey."


HAHAHAHAHA! Spongebabe? Really! The blind ref is because people say the ref is blind if he makes a call they don't like (baseball nerd).
I was watching the news today and they had a segment showing costumes like this and it made me really sad, does anyone make their costume anymore? Especially kids?
I think I'm going to be Roberto Clemente again this year, I'm too broke to get a whole new costume together. But I'd be making it if I did!
The primary difference between the "Witch" and "Sexy Witch" costumes seems to be the price!
I would totally get Avery the UPS costume because he would rock the Doug Heffernan look. We could even spend Halloween in Queens to really feel it.
Doesn't it seem like most of the options for girls/women are "sexy" options? It's like in "Mean Girls" when they remark that Halloween is just an excuse for girls to be naked.
Maybe "zombie" is to boy costumes what "sexy" is to girls.
I have a cute Boy Scout outfit, but I dunno if I'll wear it. My hair says I should be Velma from Scooby Doo, but my budget says I should be a Mary Kay lady, since that's what everyone thought I was last year anyways in my pink tweed suit (I was aiming for Prof. Umbridge from Harry Potter and HAD A NAMETAG, OKAY?).
Alright, alright everybody. Good points all around. You're all geniuses and I agree with everything.
the sexy witch doesn't get a broom? i think the grossest costume is the plug and socket for couples. Grody!
Sarah, they had that one there too! And if I'm not mistaken, the parents of one Miss Tara did that a few years ago!
HAHAHA! Oh my. yes my parents were a plug and a socket a few years ago! I'm pretty sure it was their idea and then Halloween Costume Inc or whatever marketed it. But my parents made their costumes from scratch!
Also my dad is an electrician so that added to the joke, as well as the fact that my mom's nickname is "Fuze Blower" and my dad's nickname is "Wire Nuts" Apparently electricity is hilarious. And so are my parents.
uhhh, so does Skate Punk Zombie come in my size? or do i have to settle for the more "bare bones" set-up?
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